Find/replace Value: I want to find empty cellls in a excel file and replace with 0

Hi! I want to find the empty cells in a excel file and replace it with a 0, but i don’t know what to put in the Value to find.


Thx for your answers

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Main.xaml (9.2 KB)
Test1.xlsx (8.8 KB)
Here are the excel and xaml file im using.

as you are lookin for “” Empty string it will not catch a space
The provided Excel contains space on the cellls which are looking blank

it is risky but you can try

  • first run - replace " " with “”
  • second run - replace “” with 0

When doing this on Datatable level, then you would have a better control on it, as you can use the trim method and would not harm spaces within texts

Hi @Ismael

Here is the workflow

Main.xaml (10.2 KB)



i try with " “;”";0;“0”. Didn’t work, ty

this work, thank u!

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Great @Ismael

If you don’t have any query , Kindly mark the post as solved


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