Find clickable links from text variable

I am new to this forum, as for now I am taking the Test Developer learning path. And stuck in an assignment. I am using modern activity only atm.

As for now I am doing an assignment with these STRP:

  1. Opens the Edge browser on ACME Employees page
  2. Closes the pop-up window.
  3. Accesses the information for the first candidate. (I have modified this part, so it writes the name in the pop-up window with a “Get-text” activity, and writes it to a variable, and want to find the name from the pop-up, and click on the icon (See attached image))
  4. Scrapes the Name, Phone, Birthdate and Email.
  5. Closes the candidate window.
  6. Opens this Form.
  7. Enters the candidate information in the form.
  8. Clicks Submit.
  9. Click Submit to submit another response.
  10. Refreshes the ACME window.

Expected output: Find the text that is written to a variable, and click on the icon to the left of the text. which should then open a pop-up window


You have two options here…

Spy the clickable element in ui explorer and from center menu check if any of the lines have aaname with the required text or the name that you wnat to click…(click on each line and check properties in rigth end panel)


Use clicka ctivity with anchor and indicate the text as anchor and clickable element as the main click


What is your question? The learning courses are meant for you to learn by doing and figuring out, what have you done so far? Or what is not working? Instead of posting the assignment, post what steps you have done and where you are having issues or need help please.


Sorry about that :slight_smile: Of course, I have made it to step 3, but as I wrote I have modified it a little bit. I have accessed the first candidate, which is a pretty easy step. So I wanted to make it more dynamic, so when I open the page it records the name in the pop-up box → finds it on the list, no matter where it is on the list (The names changes hierachy on page refresh) → and click on the clickable icon to the left of the text.

I know the learning path is meant for learning by doing, like I have said i have modified the assignment a little bit, and stuck in this step. So there is no answer in the assignment to this problem :slight_smile:

You already are getting the name which is saved to a variable, then you can use dynamic selector with the name variable to find it in the list and click. I can explain better with examples if needed? Hope this helps.

Please do :slight_smile:

Here is the first part:
Then I get the names into a Data Table and am looping through each name which can be used in the next part to come:

Work on it a bit and I will post the rest, which I will select the names and get the data one by one. I am unable to open the Form link, it seems to be broken or I am not allowed.

For Each UI Element to loop through the names, then using the little bullseye in the click you click each name with an offset to the left so it hits the button.

To select each Name:

Then get each Name info saved to variables:

After that you can populate your form with the variables you just got.


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