Can't find and click text in webpage


I have a list online with names and i need to find and click that name so it can lead me to another page. To find the text I am using the name variable I have created. I have tried using click text and click OCR but it still isn’t working.


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try sending the name variable to selector as a value to a attribute in CLICK activity
like this aaname = ’ " + namevariable + " ’

kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @gabimlobo

Hi @Palaniyappan! Thank you for your quick response

I tried adding the variable to the selector as follows: (the variable is cliente)

but it doesn not work

is there any scenario like sometimes the text will be available down to the screen and can be seen on scrolling down
is that so
–we need to use Find Text Position activity and pass the text to be found as input and get the output with a variable of type UiElement named out_element
–now use a RETRY SCOPE Activity where in upper part mention the click activity with out_element variable passed as input to ELEMENT property in the property panel so we dont need to select any element with click activity
–then followed by this use a Send hot key activity with key as pgdn
–while in the condition part use a activity ELEMENT EXISTS where pass the out_element as input to ELEMENT property in the property panel

hope this would help you
Cheers @gabimlobo

I am having trouble understanding what you meant. Could you show me?


@Palaniyappan it supposed to be like this?


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make sure that the condition part in the RETRY SCOPE is with ELEMENT EXISTS activity with the output variable from FIND TEXT POSITION as input to the ELEMENT property in the element exists activity (so dont select any element in the element exists activity as we are passing the element variable from find text position)

you were almost done
kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @gabimlobo

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hi can you share the project i am having the same problem please help