File and Folder Automation in StudioX - Practice - Adding a Versioning Number

The problem is not that it’s outside the iteration.

The problem lies in the path of the folder.


Thank you for the comments above!

I’m running into an issue where the 1st file is renamed, but the robot isn’t going to the next file. Instead, it attempts to rename the file it just renamed.


Something went wrong with .
Activity Rename File (Rename File X) failed:

Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

You can find the activity by searching id (press Ctrl + J to jump to activity):

Any suggestions?

I figured this out. The issue was with the New Name in Rename File :wink:

I ended up manually creating the new date variable using Set Variable Value before watching the video and seeing the easier way to setting that data. So there are multiple ways to complete a task depending on your knowledge!

Hi. I downloaded the solution but it seems the part of “Rename File” has an error. It should not be a backslash.

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I have the StudioX 2023.10.0 verion and instead of “Save for Later Use” I needed to use “Create Variable”


I am going through the RPA Citizen Developer course and running into an issue with the second section of the File and Folders class. I am tasked to open a folder with 4 invoice files and rename all these files with a versioning number system (“v1” and todays date “yyMMdd”). Once the files are renamed I have to rename the folder with the same format.

It seems like I have a successful automation all the way up to my last activity, rename folder. I receive this error message. (note - I am following the instructions to the T and even tried new formatting/variables from helpful UiPath forums on the course)

Here is an image of my full path.

Here is a pdf of the RobotPath instructions from the UiPath course.

Practice - Adding a Versioning Number - RobotPath (3).pdf (607.1 KB)

Any insight would be helpful. Would like to figure this out before moving on with the course.


Hello John,

Problem is with new name. Try using instead:



Got a little tricky changing de version and dato to de end of the file. After two tries I made it. Here´s the path


I am having the same issue, no “Save for Later Use” only “Create Variable”, what was the fix?

Use the ‘create variable’ method

Whew! I did it. LOL. Hi everyone. Thank you for all your input and feedback. After reading your posts and some troubleshooting, I was able to resolve this practice fully with the Robot Path process map, which I had in front of me all along. :sweat_smile: Happy Automating!

As the error message says, the file you’re trying to rename is open by someone or something else.

Can someone post the full solution?

I was following along with the video for “Practice – Adding a versioning number.” and ran into a problem. The practice assignment is from the “File and Folder Automation in StudioX” course.

Creating a value for later use is missing from my drop down in my UiPath StudioX( StudioX 2023.4.5 Enterprise License). Consequently, creating a problem for me to complete this practice assignment.

I tried using the “Use Variable” but that has created some problems. I have run into this problem in the previous practice. However, I thought I was doing something wrong. See the screenshots below. I am looking for any insight or solution to fix this problem.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong or maybe the lesson is trying to familiarize the user with new “Activities” for upcoming lessons, but i found many of the steps in this exercise were unnecessary. For instance, you don’t need to use the “get folder info” activity because you can rename the folder simply with the “Rename Folder” activity and the “InputFolder” variable from the “Browse for Folder” activity. Same goes for the file naming, since it’s in a For loop you can use ‘CurrentFile Full name with path’

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You aren’t doing anything wrong. You’re doing it right. Many times I see people creating extra variables and extra steps to pass data from one place to another. It sounds like you’re aware that it’s not necessary, and that’s great. Your code will be far more efficient and organized.