Fetch complete reviews for a set of doctors

I need to fetch only the star rating of a set of doctors from https://www.healthgrades.com/.
I need a solution irrespective of the doctor name. I tried using ‘selector’ .It doesn’t quite work for me. Is there any other method?

Cant open webpage as not avaialble in my location, can you please share the Full selector of 2 different doctors so we can see what the comparison is like?

Attaching 2 doctors

Sequence.xaml (15.5 KB)

Here you are.
I tried to use Find children activity.
Hope this help

Won’t this work in Firefox? I haven’t installed UIpath extension in chrome.I am using extension in Firefox.

Sorry, i haven’t used uipath with firefox.
Why not try to use uipath with IE

@khanhpk , For IE, i need to change selector to IE.exe, right?

Attach browser only work with html tag
just use html tag with title attribute.

@khanhpk, Could you make it more clear


Just like this

It’s showing HTML app is mandatoryomit

1 Like

Just run it to test the robot,
Open the web page before run

Done but not working. It is showing ‘cannot find UI element’.

Please reply

Sequence.xaml (15.3 KB)
This file worked on IE.
If cannot find Ui element, please use ui explorer to get the right selector on your browser.

@khanhpk, Can you post a screenshot of these activities

. It’s showing unresolved activities for me.

retaking the discussion from here:

as this site is geoblocked some from us cannot inspect.

  • getting this unresolved activites cleared, just adjust UiPath.System.Activities, UiPath.UiAutomation.Activirs to other versions (get in touch with author and find out under which version it was developed)

  • about the ratings: often is retrivable by class or image info. We do need more details on the selectors. You can share it with a screenshot to the rating star by right click in browser and selecting inspect element (F12 Browser tools) or by here:
    [HowTo] - easy UiElement Attributes / Selector Info Retrieval # Reply - Get Element Info Activities Introduction

Also have a look here for the retrieval approach options:

Here is the screenshot of page after inspection

I need to take the child count in div class ‘filled’(bottom of inspection part).But don’t know how.