Extract selector data instead of svg when using Table Extraction (Scraping from Google Workspace Marketplace)

Hey folks, I’m using Table Extraction feature to scrape google workspace marketplace reviews. I want to also download user ratings, but if I use Table Extraction, it doesn’t get the stars:

I try to manually select the stars but can’t, and when I used the browser inspection tool, they seem to appear as svg data.

When I try to use UiPath’s UI explorer however, I get a selector value that says ‘User Rating: 2 stars’:

Is there a way to extract instead this selector value, preferably using Table Extraction tool? If can’t, is there another way I can loop thru all the reviews (including the ones on the next pages) and still get the username, date, comment and user rating?

Thanks in advance!

we could modify the extract XML and catch the aria-label attribute

[HowTo] Data Scraping - Advanced Configuration - Text Field, Image Source, Url, CSS Classname, Hover text - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

Awesome guide. I’ll take a look and see if I could adapt it with my use case. Thanks!

Awesome! This one solved my concern. Thanks!

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