When Running the System1_ExtractWorkItemDataTable independently it completes by writing in an excel file, but when invoking it in the Init State of the Main workflow it will cancel the execution and it wont run the data extraction. Please find attached the workflows.InitAllApplications.xaml (5.4 KB)
InitAllSettings.xaml (18.6 KB)
KillAllProcesses.xaml (4.3 KB)Main.xaml (53.1 KB)InitAllApplications.xaml (5.4 KB)ACME_Login.xaml (12.5 KB)
System1_Close.xaml (6.0 KB)
System1_ExtractWorkItemDataTable.xaml (8.3 KB)
refere this
Changing the out_ExtractedDT from DataTable to DataRow will return the conversion error:
Cannot assign from type ‘System.Data.DataRow’ to type ‘System.Data.DataRow’ in Assign activity ‘Assign’. (workflow: System1_ExtractWorkItemDataTable)
How have you solved it?
dt_WIs.Select(“Type=‘WI4’ AND status=‘Open’”).CopyToDataTable()
out_ExtractDT is DataTable Variable??
why you change from DataTable to data row?
It is a Datarow. I changed it on your suggestion.
I changed the out_ExtractedDT into an Array of DataRow, but
If I add the CopyToDataTable function, it will return again a conversion error.
Removing CopyToDataTable would remove the conversion error.
after made array of datarow
then do need to use CopyToDatatable
I do not think it needs the CopytoDataTable . DataTable.Select() would be enough to convert the Datatable type into a Array of Datarow, don’t you think?
sorry .,you are right
then don’t need to use CopyToDatatable
its typo mistake
It still stops execution throwing ‘Execution is cancelled’. Every workflow working fine independently, the problem is faced just when run from Init or from Main. Can you please have a look at the InitAllApplications workflow, that is the one that is causing the termination of the business workflow.Main.xaml (55.1 KB)
GetTransactionData.xaml (9.8 KB)
System1_ExtractClientInformation.xaml (8.8 KB)InitAllApplications.xaml (5.6 KB)
hello @Vilma
I go through your workflow. its like you don`t follow walkthrough that give in academy
you put this sequence under If first run - read Config file
Again invoke login workflow under initApplication
why SHA1Online workflow invoke there.
i suggest read walkthrough that provides in the academy
one more thing
WIList should me Variable, not an argument where Out_ExtractedDT value store
for you reference i add sample projectClientSecurityHash1.zip (1.7 MB)
Hope its helps
Thank you @sandeep13. I will have a look and come back to you.