I am having trouble while I am trying to use extract structured datatable method because the website I have been working on does not have fixed ids for tables that’s why I couldn’t find a general solution. IDs are differentiating from one to another.
Is there any way to auto-recognize table ids which are active on the webpage? If not, there should be
If a part of the id keeps changing, You can check for portion of the ids.
Example, if your ids change like table123, table345, etc. then you can use id=table* in your selector.
You can also check other attributes apart from ids. Try checking for an apt selector using the Property Explorer section in Ui Explorer. Something like this
I my case unfortunately other properties for selected table did not work either. Table ID’s were even differentiated while refreshing the page.
Finally, I could find a way out by using a constant property Which is under the table and got the parentid of it(which is almost the same with the id I looked for). Then I defined the Ext.DT’s selector outside as string. Thankfully problem solved