Extract first Value from a list in SAP

Need to fetch first value in the list in SAP Which here is W300 in the below example.



What kind of element are you dealing with?

I guess, you have alreagy tried Get Text activity?

Yes I tried get text, but i need it to be dynamic.


Can you share the selector of first two elements

It will useful for building a dynamic selector


wnd app=‘saplogon.exe’ cls=‘Afx:*’ title=‘listbox shell’ /
wnd cls=‘ListBox’ /
ctrl name=‘W100 Sky’ role=‘list item’ /

I tried giving name as wildcard but not working


Just to make clear, from selector above I see, that the SAP WinGUI scripting is not activated.

Activate SAP scripting and you will get much more possibilities to work with the data.

Follow docu Configuration Steps

Best regards, Lev

Hi Levkushnir,

Ya, I checked the scripting on the client-side but on the server-side am not having permission to do it as its client-server. But at the same time, we have requested them to enable it from their side.


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