Sap 800 selectors not working

I want to capture first row from one screen of sap
Now the selectors are not working
The same selectors are working for previous version of sap but not on sap800

I have increased the ui package version also
I tried to re capture but the it’s not spying properly

Can someone suggest anything

Thanks in advance


Tried Table extraction and get the first row from the datatable?

Tried the current logic is that it will use table cell scope and inside it it column and first row is passed
And click activity added
But that working for sap 750 not 800

Is this one you mentioned ?
Or by using modern table extract activity ?
If yes
That’s not having scope but how u will pass the click event for first row ? @ashokkarale


Ok so you are looking to click on first row. I don’t have SAP version to try but see if you can find the selectors through Ui Explorer as well.

Yeah tried but selectors are not getting generated properly for 800 one that’s the issue
While spying it self with all framework I tried but proper selector is not generating
And the current one failing on new screen

Hi @jast1631

Can you try with For Each UI Element activity and inside use Click activity



As an alternate solution try to use scripts and get it or set it


This one won’t work for sap I guess
As it’s desktop application


To be able to understand your automation challenge better, please share following information:

  • SAP WinGUI version
  • SAP WinGUI transaction
  • UiPath Studio version
  • UiPath UiAutomation Activity version

In addition share the following screenshots:

  • SAP WinGUI screenshot - Full screen (you can blurry the business information)
  • SAP UiPath Studio - selectors of SAP element

Best regards, Lev

It won’t work for desktop app @lrtetala

Hi @Anil_G yeah we can attempt but due to time crunch.We used it to capture via image selector and had two anchors in that selector

Hi @LevKushnir
Thank u for your response
Apologies for the delayed response :


  • SAP WinGUI version -Sap 800
  • UiPath studio -2022.4.4
  • Ui automation package : 2023.10.9 - we tried with many package version

I won’t be able to share the screenshot and other details

For time being we resolved it via image selector and two anchors with it

Thanks !

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