Extract Data Table Next navigation not working


I came across a problem where the next navigation in Extract Data Table activity was not functioning properly and also came across a solution from the forum.


@jack.chan Can you explain how the js files can be invoked before the Extract Data table activity? Also I’m making use of Edge browser for the automation.

whenever the next page click is not working we analyze the taken next selector more in detail.

If the url is public feel free to share it with us

If the “Next” button for navigating through a data table is not working:

  1. Check button implementation and event handling.
  2. Inspect the browser console for errors.
  3. Verify network requests for any failures.
  4. Confirm there is more data to load.
  5. Review pagination logic for correctness.
  6. Ensure the correct binding of the “Next” button.
  7. Check asynchronous operations for data loading.
  8. Clear browser cache to rule out caching issues.
  9. Test across different browsers for compatibility.
  10. Use debugging tools to trace code execution.
  11. Investigate backend code for pagination handling.
  12. Consult documentation for framework/library specifications.

I’m working on LinkedIn web scraping.

LinkedIn Home

let us be more specific (as shared link has not a next button)

We also encountered, that LinkedIn is regularly confusing selectors as getting RPA automated is not liked by their end

Next button circled in green. The thing is, the button clicks automatically only when I scroll down the page manually. But a bot is supposed to do that on its own. Please suggest me how to rectify this problem.

Two months back, I tried web scraping questions from Stack Overflow. But the next page navigation worked fine then…

just compare on how much your next selector differs to:

<webctrl tag='BUTTON' type='button' aria-label='Next' />

download the xaml in my response ( Scroll to bottom - Copy (1).xaml) and refer to it

basically i use the inject js actiivty for the following

  1. scroll to bottom
  2. check if page is at bottom

use </> format button from editor when sharing selector / code snippets

The result I got.

<webctrl id='ember1051' tag='BUTTON' type='button' class='artdeco-pagination__button artdeco-pagination__button--next artdeco-button artdeco-button--muted artdeco-button--icon-right artdeco-button--1 artdeco-button--tertiary ember-view' aaname=' Next ' />

try the above shared selector and let us know the result.

In general, we do not need to scroll as the bot will already find the next button, when present.
Good results we got also with modern design / chromium / input method: chromium api

I’ve tried with all the settings you have mentioned, but failed to get the expected result.

above settings from you were not mentioned. we would focus on the first round on a strict selector only.

was mentioned and more important we did not use the id attribute within the selector

Got this in the logs.

Screenshot 2023-12-12 160538

Also does not scroll down…

check within UiExplorer and do a fine tuning

as the part from LinkedIn, which is used at your end for the extraction was not properly shared, so with wild guessing / prototyping on another one (maybe also different continents will have minor differences) some variations can occur.

Hi, can you explain how the arguments are used?


I have finally solved this issue on my own.

In a Do While loop, I have ordered the activities as Extract DataTable, Mouse Scroll and Click. I have set a count to read the given no. of records into the data table and used an increment variable for the looping purpose.

In Extract DataTable, I have switched off the Next navigation and have selected the option Append Results in the properties tab.

Thanks for all the responses!

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