May i know if there is any way to extract data from web browser apart from data scraping? The result will be as per example below: The number of row will be vary depend on the search result.
If i need to use data scraping tool, is it possible that i extract only column File Name and may i know how to do this?
In addition, the result of data scraping always shown empty row for the first four row(It is fixed). May i know how we build the workflow to extract from row five onwards in the datatable extracted?
Yes we can use Screen scrapping method instead of data scrapping but the difference is data scrapping gives datatavle as output
While screen scrapping gives as string
Which we need to pass as input to GENERATE DATATABLE activity where string will be input and output will be a datatable
And for this
Ofcourse you can define the column you want when you are doing data scrapping
Pls refer this for more details
And finally for this
To get from certain number of rows
Use this expression in a assign activity
May i know in what situation use data scraping more suitable?
I have tried to use the data scraping but i cant write to excel file. Basically the whole process is i want to key in the invoice number in the web browser (by iterate for each row) and get the total number of file name per result search by invoice number.
Meaning first invoice maybe have 7 file name and second invoice maybe have 4 file name which the result could be vary.
Screenshot below is step that i have build.
Reason i use the add data row is i have other data to be extracted into excel file but not using data scraping method. Only the last " Extractdetail" is coming from the data scraping method
May i know if this method is correct?Because before this, the data able write into excel file. But after i add in new column - Extractdetail , it fail write into excel file.
Data scrapping is useful to get the tabular structured data from any application
And it gives output as a datatable
If the same tabular structure is in a image based then we won’t be able to use it that is only if the element is accessible as a individual element then we can use data scrapping to get that as a datatable else we need to use screen scrapping method which will give us string output
That string output can be converted to datatable by using Generate datatable activity
And that datatavle we get can be written to excel with WRITE RANGE ACTIVITY
For this
You can add with APPEND RANGE instead of add Datarow activity
Only then all the data will be there in datatavle else it will have only the last fetched data
Ofcourse it is for all columns and it is applicable if you are writing it to a excel files
But if you are trying merge first inside a Datatable first and then write to a excel then better use MERGE DATATABLE activity
So the steps involved is
—extract datatavle activity and get the output as datatable as dt
—use a assign activity like this
Dt_final = dt.Clone
—then use a CLEAR DATATABLE activity and pass the above dt_final as input
-now use a MERGE DATATABLE activity where pass source as dt and destination as dt_final
Then we can write this dt_final to a excel with write range activity
Currently i use the two ways of extraction as per screenshot below before combining them together.
Only the last column i use data scraping method and the front part i use the Get text method.
May i know how can i combine these two type together? Or is there any better and easy way to do it?
For the these three steps below, is it only refer to data scraping part or also cover get text part?
Dt_final = dt.Clone
—then use a CLEAR DATATABLE activity and pass the above dt_final as input
-now use a MERGE DATATABLE activity where pass source as dt and destination as dt_final
Would like to ask if the above approach still apply the same for the scenario below and could you share with me the screenshot on how to do it?
Input Listing (source file)
Expected result
Basically i want to extract the information from browser for the column “Status” using the "get text "activity. While for the Result found, i want to use " data scraping " to extract the information.
However, i dunno how to combine the data and write it into the excel file.
Do you know how can i do it ? It would be great if you share with me the screenshot on the concept on how to do it.