Excel is not getting opened in Foreground

I have a strange issue in Excel, I have used Excel app scope with Visible, Start as Process enabled.
I’m using Get Text CV for which, excel needs to open in foreground.

Which is working fine with my machine but Excel is not getting opened in foreground in my client’s machine, due to which OCR is unable to extract text.

Can someone please help?


Once you open the Excel file, use Use Application/Browser activity. It will attach the Excel application window to Use Application/Browser then use [Highlight] (Activities - Activate) activity.

Ashok :slight_smile:

why are you using Get Text CV to get data from Excel? you can use read range and read cell activity

There is an image on excel header which needs to be included in business logic.

Why? There is no need to use CV nor Get Text for an Excel file. You should be using the Excel activities ie Read Range, Read Cell, etc.

can you check this settings and confirm

if its true or false

It is set to True and the thing is, the published bot is working fine in My system but not at Client’s end.
Do you think this is something with Excel app due to some restrictions at client’s end ?

i dont know if there is any restriction like that
can you try to reinstall excel plugin on client system from UiPath studio> Tools> UiPath Extensions > Excel Add in or
UiPath studio> Tools> Apps> Repair Tool for Microsoft Office

Sure, Thank you, wiil try and let you know.

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