In my case, excel -1 need to be opened through out the process, while data need to be updated in Excel -2 in background. I need to open excel -2 to fetch some values, while I am opening with excel application scope, it is closing both the excel which I don’t need. So I am using open application activity to open the excel 2 and closing it through hotkeys (ctrl+F4). After closing I am performing some other excel activities in excel 2. While performing those, even through ‘Visible’ property is unchecked in properties, it is opening the excel and closing both first opened excel 1 and excel 2, which should not happen.
Do your processing in the excel-1 scope itself. dont keep it outside. Nest it and it should behave as you expect.
Use a excel scope for excel - 1 and which will open the excel and run in foreground.
Then inside the scope try using Workbook activities to read and right so the process for excel - 2 will run in background and excel -1 will still be in foreground and will be visible.
Revert back if im deviating from the query or if you need more clarification.