Excel - How to get text from popup


I am new to UIPath and having trouble executing a macro in [Excel].

The process is: a macro will be run in Excel, and then a pop up will be displayed after the macro is executed. However, the text in the pop up will be different for each time, and I need to assign the value of the popup text to a variable and use it in the steps later.

Now I’m using parallel to design the work process. Execute macro is on the left side, and OnUiElementAppear and Get attribute is on the right side. However, the process can’t capture the text if it is different with the one on screenshot.

Pls. guide me, any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!


Welcome to forums

Use Get Text activity and you need to build a dynamic selector to run even the text changes

Can you share the selector so that we can check


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I just modified the GetAttribute activity to Get Text activity. Now the process runs without a bug, but text is returned as “uncheck”.

The selector for OnElementAppear is:

I think this one is correct, cause I have a step of sendhotkey to close the popup. I use the same selector in the sendhotkey activity, it works.

The selector for Get Text activity is :

The second title is the one I want, I changed it to *, but seems it not works.


Can you share the selectors of the OnElement Appear and Get Text activity?


it is
I add it in the previous reply, but it doesn’t appear…

Pls. check the screenshot, the text is always missing…


Oh, You can place in a text file and check if you attachment upload access

even you can’t upload, upload to some google drive and share the url

As you are new user to forum you will face few restrictions



Click on Open in UI Explorer and share the window screenshot

Also share the original selector without making * to wnd title, because wnd title has to be there


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OnEelementAppear one is :slight_smile:

Get Text one is :


In the Get Text selector

Enable aaname and place * into that and save it

You try with that

Hope this helps you


Thanks Srinivas,I choose aaname from the columns on the right side, and it works for me. You saved me lots of time!

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