Excel Config and storing in Dictionary?

Hey guys,
I’m working on a project where I:

  1. Read data from an excel file and store as DT
  2. Enter a website and type my credentials (I use ‘type into’ activity here) then click login
  3. From DT, I will then extract value to put into said website.

I’m encouraged to use Excel Config & Store them in dictionary but I’m having hard time identifying the opportunities to use these as excel config concept is pretty new to me.
From a quick reading it seems like I can utilize Excel config to “pull out” my login credentials from Asset? And if yes, how do I do this?


Hi @Dillon_Marius

To store the credentials you can store the asset name in settings sheet of Config file and give a name to it. Use Get Credentials activity and pass the inConfig value in get credential. Store the output and use wherever required. You can use that activity before Use Application /Browser container.

Hope it helps

Create a new project using the REFramework template and look in its code to see how it reads the config file. What I did was used that code to create a custom “Read Config” activity (by creating a library) so we can just use an activity to read the config file.

project.json (1.3 KB)
Read Config File.xaml (20.9 KB)

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