Error while connecting Orchestrator to Machine

Hello Everyone,

I am getting an error while connecting Orchestrator to Machine using UiPath Assistant.
It is showing “The reason operation failed, see inner exception”


Welcome to UiPath forum
There could be many reason behind
possible causes of this error can be

  • The Orchestrator server is down or unreachable.
  • The username or password provided is incorrect.
  • The machine key is incorrect.
  • There is a firewall blocking the connection between UiPath and Orchestrator.

Check on these aspects and let us know for further clarification

Make sure the robot is connected to orchestrator as per this doc

Cheers @Iamsaurabh

Hi @Iamsaurabh ,
You can try open UiPath assitant go to
go to

Sign-out and sign-in again
It will open by Orchestrator

Is this resolved @Iamsaurabh
If yes and got clarified