Error on recording: "step was not recorded successfully". Please help!

Hi I was trying to do the recording to open the notepad application on my desktop taskbar. I did Recording>Basic>Start Record>Click on the notepad icon right at the taskbar. And the error shown as the capture below


Thanks for your comments.


Welcome to the uipath community.

Create one shortcut icon for Notepad application on desktop and indicate it using Click activity.

Else you can use Start Process or Open application activity to open Notepad application.

UiPath absolutely HATES the windows taskbar, unfortunately…

Welcome to uipath community
You were almost done
It’s correct with your steps and clicking on icon in taskbar is absolutely fine
Kindly recreate it once and see
Cheers @soravispr

I guess clicking in taskbar in newest version of studio does work better but a simple Start Menu being opened already breaks everything, in my opinion,one should avoid opening apps using task bar…