Error on Get Transaction Item

Hi guys,
How else can I get rid of this error?
I have tried using assign activity and also rewriting “Nothing”(value to save) with no success.

@mukeshkala I was trying the ID card generator use case. Please help.

We suggest the following

  • define the needed datatype of the transaction item which is targeted within the process
  • then adapt it accordingly at the different places

assumption: Datarow e.g. changed within the Main.XAML, then also adapt the other xamls, e.g at the the argument definition

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Can you try delete “Nothing” then focus out and re-input “Nothing”?
Or put new Assign activity then input the expressions.


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Hi @J_Crosby

Delete that assign activity and reinitialize it.

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Hi when you change the datatype of the transactionItem from queueItem to datarow

Then catche will be present for that

You need to remove the activity and take another assign activity
And pass which is passed earlier like



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Looks like you changed the datataype of the transactionitem…

If so please remove the assign activity and re add a nee assign or delete both the sides and re add the data …then it shpuld be fixed

Hope this helps


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Hi @J_Crosby ,

As Correctly mentioned by the experts above - The Datatype has to be updated to datarow.

I have uploaded the blank template and complete solution here :slight_smile:

Fell free to download and refer


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@mukeshkala noted,thanks for the link.

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