Error Intialisation In python Scope

Hi @ All,

Can you suggest for this error to rectify.
I’m trying to run the python script in Uipath.

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Hi @varunk,
Is it first time you are trying to run the python script in Uipath? Have you checked if your UiPath Python Activities Pack is ticked as installed in ‘Manage Packages’?

Yes all are installed

The Python Activities Pack works only with 32-bit Python scripts. Has it been working well in the past for you?
Perhaps check these threads:

Does any of them help you?

I can run Python activity if I have python 37 installed in my windows machine.

Had the same issue. Just pick the correct version that you have downloaded and it works.


I have the same problem.
I have tried to install several versions with no success.
Can you help me?

Same problem, “Python Scope: Error initializing Python engine”

Do you need to be Admin to run Python scope?
If I start Studio as local admin I’m prompted for License key, so I can’t try it out.

Python scope:
Path: "C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32"
Target: x86
Version: 3.6 / Auto

UiPath.Python.Activities 1.6.0
Studio 2020.4.3

Hi @varunk ,

Try this…

In Python Scope Activity, go to Properties → Input Section → Set “Target” field to x64.

By default it is x86. It worked for me, I wish it should work everyone.

Thanks & Regards,
Rohith Naidu.