Error installing Community version on Windows 10 EVAL image

Every time I try to install a copy of the community edition on a windows 10 eval image I get the following error , how can this be resolved


Activation failed with error: 0
Error description: Cannot use Community Edition on this machine after activating a trial or Enterprise license code. Please enter a valid license key.
License status: Device ID already activated

Device ID: 4UJgdvA4sGzrr9FbKP8v
Computer: UIPATHWIN10
User Name: User


Have you installed Enterprise Edition before installing Community Edition ?

Nope its the deviceID that causes the problem because the windows eval virtual image all have the this deviceID the UI path activation service thinks its a windows image that has had UIpath previously installed who can hel

Hi @watersl

In this case I would suggest this workaround: