I have a created a bot which uses data from Excel and navigates through the UI by filling up data from the excel sheet.
In the first Iteration, the bot runs perfectly and the record is created. However in the second iteration(using the second record from the excel sheet). It throws an error: “Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector”
we need to make the selector dynamic
that is the attribute value which differs from first page and second page being dynamic must be replaced with WILDCARD *
for example, if title is dynamic with value then replace the value of title attribute like this
title = ‘*’
I can see two possible scenarios for your situation:
Scenario 1:
After filling the form from first iteration when you submit you are redirected to let’s say confirmation page. Now, you are not coming back to registration page at the end of first iteration. Hence UiPath is failing to locate the element to type the data from 2nd iteration.
Scenario 2:
As @Palaniyappan mentioned, the selector of the web element which you are using is dynamic. Hence you will need to use Wildcards to make the selector dynamic corresponding to the iteration you are in.
Please let us know if you are still facing the problem.
I followed your advice. I replaced the contents within the quotes for parentid with a ‘*’. Now when I highlight the selector to cross check which part of the UI is being pointed to, it shows a totally different part of my UI.
can we include some more attributes to make the selector more robust
for that click on OPEN IN UI EXPLORER and add few attributes from the left top of the window
share that screenshot pls
Cheers @abdul.hakeem.siraj
Use the activity anchor base .and In that activity you will have two parts to put the activities. Drag in the find element activity in left side and indicate the name. The in the left side drag in the type into activity and indicate the box. You will have to see the property of the anchor base it will have a position option there you should set your anchor to left.Then do the same for the integration system users also. And try once