Error in expected results from debugging project

Good day, I am following the RPA Developer Advanced course on

I am following the video shown in the module State Machines in Studio.

After trying to emulate the process, everything runs smoothly but when the first Message Box pops up, I enter 1000 for “Current Balance” value; then in the second Message Box I enter 250 for “Payment Value” value.

The problem is that the message I get is “Insufficient funds! The current balance of your account is 0. Do you want to continue?”.

If I am entering 1000 as the Current Balance and then 250 for Payment Value, I should get “The payment was processed successfully! The new balance of your account is: 750. Do you want to continue?”.

Why is this happening? I attach a copy of my .xaml and .json

Thank you very much!

project.json (1.6 KB)

Second attempt.xaml (29.2 KB)


Because 2 CurrentBlance variables are defined as the following. Please remove one which scope is Sequence then try again.


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Thank you so much. This is the Way.

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