Error in check app state

I am getting the above error when automating the login page. both url and credentials i have configured from Asset. Plz help me

Hi @Yesodha_Mathan

Did you use Get Credential acitivty to configure your UserName and Password. Check whether username and password is getting printed using Immediate Panel.


Its is not printing the response stoped after login the URL

I am executing in REfremework

Can you share the screenshot of the flow @Yesodha_Mathan


Hi @Yesodha_Mathan

Hope so while storing the asset of acmesystem URL you have stored it in double quotes.

Please try sharing the screenshot of assets page too.



Its clearly failing in check app state…so check the variables you used in check app state

You should find the issue



How have you given in the assets apge @Yesodha_Mathan. Is the URL opening in Check App State? If not then, your Asset is returning a null value. Have you stored the output of Get Asset in a variable and passed that variable only in Use Application/Browser.



Would you be able to share the code. It’s hard to stich bit’s and pieces into whole picture to understand the root cause.

Ashok :slight_smile:

yes i did i gave the same asset name to the variable that I stored


Check the timeout value if you have passed it or not


Hi @Yesodha_Mathan

Share your project once will help you sort the error.
