Error Got While Working with Studio

I got this Error when I use “Type Into” Activity. How can I Solve this Error sir/madam…?


Please drag a use application/browser activity and inside that please place thsi activity…

All modern ui activities should be in the use application/browser activity scope


Hi @Vishvam_G

You are using the modern activities (Type into activity). This activity has to be encapsulated in the
Use application/Browser activity. In the Use application/Browser activity indicate the web page that you want to work on. Check the below workflow for better understanding.

Hope it helps!!

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Thank you for your supports sir… The Error is Cleared and I got the Output…

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Happy Automation


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Thank You Sir… The Error is Cleared and I got the Output…

Great @Vishvam_G. If you got the solution make mark as solution to close the loop.

Thank you @Vishvam_G

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It literally tells you the problem and how to solve it. The Type Into activity has to be inside a Use Application/Browser activity.

Have you done the free UiPath Academy training on their web site? It teaches you how to use these basic activities.

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Yah! Sir, I done the free UiPath Acadamy Training. It makes me a littile bit confused. So only I Posted it in Forum.
But now I’m Clear with it sir. Thankyou for your Responces Sir.

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