Error executing Macro

I am receiving an error when UiPath tries to execute a macro within excel application scope. Below I will attach pictures of my workflow along with the error I am receiving.



Hi @jeff1169

Check this

Excel Exception HRESULT: 0x800706BE


Hello @AshwinS2,

I have read that thread, but it is still unclear to me what the solution is.

Do I need to insert a delay? If so, why?

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Actually what is ur process

I posted a picture of my workflow above. I simply need to write a cell, and then execute a Macro. Let me know if you need more context.

Is the interop activity been installed

I am unfamiliar with that activity. I have successfully executed macros in other processes. I do not know why this process is having trouble executing the macro.

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I hope delay would work, because it might some time to enable the macro in the background and then executing the vb scipt been passed
–so hope that would work on keeping delay before the excel application scope and inside as well before execute macro

Cheers @jeff1169

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Thank you. I will try this and then post an update with the results.

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Cheers @jeff1169

interop is a namespace, not an activity. you should import it from here:

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