I’m doing assignment 2 (yearly report - level 3:advance) and I meet some error.
Refer this post @havi
set delaybefore to 2000
set waitforready to complete
if doesnt work then
add a snippet of 3 seconds delay before click save
if you managed to solve your issue, would you mind sharing here as to what went wrong and what did you do to fix it? such that others will be able to reference this topic if they need and mark your own comment as the solution if you solved it by yourself, else mark the comment that is most helpful to you in solving your problem to close the topic. Thanks
I realize that the selector of “attach browser” activity of Transaction Number 1 and Transaction Number 2 are different, so it doesn’t find “click: save”
I changed from the “click: save → click: save as” to “recording save → save as”, then I fixed the “title” of selector of “attach browser” activity.