Error "Connection To Specified Jira - URL Cannot Be Established" Encountered When Trying To Connect Jira Xray With Test Manager

When trying to connect Jira Xray with Test Manager, the following error is encountered "Connection to specified Jira-URL cannot be established".

Error Message: Connection to specified Jira-URL cannot be established

Resolution: This error might occur if the Jira server is an on-premise setup and the Test manager is Cloud. In this case, whenever Test Manager tries to connect to the Jira server it will not be able to establish a connection unless the Jira server is publicly accessible.

If the Jira server is not exposed to the Internet, it will not be reachable from Test Manager Cloud.

A general requirement for the integration to work would be to have both :

  • Test Manager and Jira as an on-premise setup
  • Test Manager and Jira as Cloud services.