Empty orchestrator API Version

I was trying to connect my lap to orchestrator by adding the standard machine to the machines and when I was coping with the same key in the tray and connect on below URL I’m getting the mention Pop-up box and not able to connect.

  1. UiPath
  2. UiPath
  3. https://platform.uipath.com/

hi @omkard222
change the orchestrator URL for this https://cloud.uipath.com/


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hi fernando ,

i have already tried with same. please suggest another approch

Can you check if that is the URL you are getting when you open the orchestrator in browser?

i´m obtain this

Check if you are really posting that character in the URL, else try with platform.uipath.com instead of cloud

Still getting the same issue as "Empty Orchestrator API version ". Can any one suggest solution

Can you check this thread

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May i know how to get AccountName “UiPath

When you login to the orchestrator, and after clicking on services, you will have tenant name. Click on it which will open another tab. Wait for the URL to load and after that, you will have the entire URL with both service name and account name.

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