Element inside VDI is not getting Clicked when run from orchestrator, but the same is working fine when run from studio

Element inside VDI is not getting Clicked when run from orchestrator, but the same is working fine when run from studio…
Please suggest .

Hi @divya4,
Welcome to the Community!
What type of robot are you using to perform this task?


It is unattended robot.
I have used minimize, maximize , show and activate window activities, but none of them worked.
This is my error:

  • Info: Timeout reached.

RemoteException wrapping UiPath.Core.ElementOperationException: Timeout reached. —> RemoteException wrapping System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Timeout reached.
at UiPath.UiNodeClass.BringIntoView()
at UiPath.Core.UiElement.BringToForeground()
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at UiPath.Core.Activities.ScopeActivity.OnFaulted(NativeActivityFaultContext faultContext, Exception propagatedException, ActivityInstance propagatedFrom)
at System.Activities.Runtime.FaultCallbackWrapper.Invoke(NativeActivityFaultContext faultContext, Exception propagatedException, ActivityInstance propagatedFrom)
at System.Activities.Runtime.FaultCallbackWrapper.FaultWorkItem.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)

You need to know that for unattended robot not all actions are visible the same way you see them during development. Some windows element, buttons etc. are not visible. In that way you need to work with use of Computer Vision activities.

Even with CV activities am getting the same error.
Have used CV Click on image.
Still the same issue.

Can you check if the same problem is when you have view on the screen inside virtual machine? (switch to attended robot and be logged into machine)

this problem happens only when I run in orchestrator, keeping my VM minimized.
When I just restore my VM and run it from orchestrator, it is working fine.

Please have a look at these topics. Hope you will find solution for your project.