I have a process to save an order but there is a possibility that order is already saved. In that case after clicking on save, a pop up message appears order cann’t be saved.
I tried with Element Exists activity with If condition, so that seperate set of actions should perform based on my defined condition. If error message appears then my process should perform a differect action ( True condition ). However irrespective of error popup message , process always goes to true condition part.
I tried with few more activities but it’s not working, need suggestions
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make sure that the WAITFOR READY property is set with value COMPLETE in the property panel of ELEMENT EXISTS and try once pls
Thats probably becouse your element its always there but its hiden or not. I add the same issue some time ago. you must see in the selector if you have any true of false, or hide or not, or any other options that show if the element is visible or hiden, Active or not so your element exists work.
Ok, you have a dynamic element, change that ctl00_pnlError to *_pnlError and remove tablerow=6 the you must see than gat the mane=XXX error text to the selected element
If element exists is not working, you can try to use get text of active window and have check that text contains “not bale to add” and continue with the flow?
Pop up window appears only if order was already saved by someone esle. Not sure how should I use get text activity as popup window will not appear if I am saving an order for the first time.
for get text make it as continue on error = true and assign some default text to the output variable, after gettext if text has been changed from default to something else you can have a check based on that value.
I tried as you suggested but still same issues as element exist activity. It’s only returning a true condition. I have attached the screen shot so that you can validate and let me know if it’s correct or not .
if that popup doesnt have any value in specific then we can use IMAGE EXISTS activity and choose that popup as a image and get the boolean variable as output and use that in IF condition
This seems like an iFrame inside a Flash application, funny thing about iFrames they always exist, lurking in the back-ground always giving a false positive.
What you can explore is ‘on element appear’ activity with properties as ‘wait active’ and ‘wait visible’ with waitforready as COMPLETE
If this also does not work then check for the inner-text (using the same activity) without using the parent ID or parent class (as it will again give a false positive) and check for that unique text from the element.
Please check this solution and get bacck is issue still persists