Elasticsearch - no index from uipath


I cannot see any logs in Elasticsearch. Web.config configuration

  <target name="robotElasticBuffer" xsi:type="BufferingWrapper" flushTimeout="5000">
    <target xsi:type="ElasticSearch" name="robotElastic" uri="http://orch.com:443/es" requireAuth="false" username="" password="" index="${event-properties:item=indexName}-${date:format=yyyy.MM}" documentType="logEvent" includeAllProperties="true" layout="${message}" excludedProperties="agentSessionId,tenantId,organizationUnitId,indexName" />

  <logger name="Robot.*" final="true" writeTo="database,robotElasticBuffer" />

Any idea what I can chceck? I can use SSL, can I?

Port 9200 is used for HTTP connections, ports 9243 and 443 are used for HTTPS.

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I don’t get it. I’ve got reverse proxy on Apache where http://orch.com:443/es is redirected to This seems to be working fine.
I just think what else could be wrong?


Try executing Powershell Script:

#### Script parameters ####
 param (
    [string]$uri,   		                        # $uri  - #Elastic search URL
    [string]$indexName,		  		        # $indexName - the name of the index
    [string]$messageType = "logEvent",			# $messageType = "logEvent" # the _type property from Elasticsearch
	[string]$message = "HELLO WORLD!!!"   	# $message to add

if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($indexname))
    $indexname = "default-" + [DateTime]::UtcNow.Year.ToString() + "." + [DateTime]::UtcNow.Month.ToString('00')

if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($uri))
    $uri = "http://orch.com:443/es"

$messageBody = @{ 
 "@timestamp" = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('o')

### End SCRIPT Parameters

$WebRequestPath = [string]::Format("{0}/{1}/{2}",$uri,$indexName.ToLower(),$messageType)

Write-Output "Executing post call to " + $WebRequestPath.ToString() + " with body " (ConvertTo-Json $messageBody)
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $WebRequestPath -ContentType 'application/json' -Method POST -Body (ConvertTo-Json $messageBody)