I have an automation that has been running for quite a long time now. The job is scheduled to run unattended in Orchestrator but since last Friday the jobs all have state Faulted. The same happens when I start the job manually.
Looking into the logs of the jobs I can see that the jobs fails when launching the Edge browser and opening the webpage the automation is using. The automation is build using the REFramework template. It was build more than a year ago using 2022.x core components and classic activities. However I have tried updating to latest core components and also tried using modern activities but with the same result.
I suspect it has to do with the part “Kill Applications” using the Kill Process activity. If I end the Edge process in Task Manager the behavior is the same. So I do not think that is has to do with automation as such but more an update of the Edge browser. I am running version 128.0.2739.42.
Launch Edge using the flag --disable-features="msIrm, msIrmv2, msEndpointDlp" as suggested here.
You can apply the second option for UiPath Studio projects as follows:
For UiPath Studio projects using UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities v23.10 or newer, you can apply this workaround from Project Settings.
Add to Project Settings → UIAutomation Classic → Browser → Extra Arguments for OpenBrowser Edge
the value: --disable-features="msIrm, msIrmv2, msEndpointDlp"
This will apply to both Open Browser and Use Browser activities.
For UiPath Studio projects using UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities v20.10or newer, you can apply this workaround by adding an environment variable.
Set the environment variable UIPATH_EXTRA_CMD_ARGS_EDGE with the value: --disable-features="msIrm, msIrmv2, msEndpointDlp"
This will apply to both Open Browser and Use Browser activities.