Download file from web

I am trying to download a file (xls or pdf) from a web page and store it in a particular location. Any insights would be much appreciated

welcome to uipath community
yah thats possible
–use CLICK activity to click on the button that will download the file
–once after that if any popup like save as window appears then we can use TYPE INTO activity with the file path as a string between double quotes can be passed as a input
–then use SEND HOT KEY activity with key as enter to click on the enter button

this would do that buddy, and ensure that Simulate click is enabled in the property panel of CLICK activity and simulate type is enabled in the property panel of TYPE INTO activity and SEND WINDOW MESSAGE property is enabled in the send hot key activity so that this process can be run even in background

Cheers @kaushiks1


Thank you for the welcome and the quick reply. Appreciate it much.
I tried your method but I am not getting any popup window and the files are being dowloaded to the default browser location. Is there anyway I can overcome this ?

Also I came across this link .How to dowload PDF from Web Interface - #5 by AutomateWork but I am not able to find the UiPath.Web.Activities package.

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This can be adjusted with the browser
As of now try with other browser and check whether we are getting any pop up window
Or try manually once whether we are getting any pop up and if that either gives us the same getting downloaded to the folder directly then we need change the settings in the browser

And for this

Yah usually we won’t be able to find it by default
So to install it go to Design tab → Manage Packages → official tab → search for UiPath.Web.Activity and install it
So that from there we can HTTP REQUEST activity to do that with API

Cheers @kaushiks1

Hi @kaushiks1,

Welcome to UiPath Forum Community !

Here you have an activity (“Download File”) to download the file from web.


@Palaniyappan… thank you… it was a browser setting. I have now enabled it to prompt for the destination path.

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Cheers @kaushiks1

@balupad14, Where can one get that activity from ?

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We can get that from design tab-> manage packages option and search for that activity
And install it
Cheers @kaushiks1

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Below I have shown the picture that to get the activity.



Thank you @balupad14 and @Palaniyappan

Appreciate your timely help !!

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