Does UIPath trial version has Bot installed together?

Hi Developers,

I have few queries on UIPath trial version:

  1. Do we have Robot installed along with UIPath Studio.
  2. Can we invoke Bot using command prompt.
  3. Can we schedule the bots, in trial version.

We have uipath Robot and uipathagent (Seems for scheduling purpose) in the machine.
The project tht I deployed to Robot is visible in Robot, I have clicked download in Robot. If I execute the project from Studio, its executing, but if I try to run from Robot, nothing is happening.

Satish Chaladi

Hello @Satish_Chaladi,

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. No. (Agent Desktop will not trigger the process, it will still have a pop up asking you if the process should start. Read more about it here)



Thanks, Nithin… for the response.

I have deployed/published the project to bot. It is visible in UIPath Robot.But, if I try to run the project from Robot… nothing is happening. If I run it from Studio, its executing and showing the result. Please help…

Satish Chaladi

Ensure you have a main workflow defined in the project.json and this main workflow should be where the process execution tasks.


Is the nuget package succesfully installed ? If not, check the log in Windows Event Viewer.


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Okay, will check and get back to you in case of any issues.

Great!!! It worked brother!!

You were very helpful. Thanks soo much!!

Satish Chaladi

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