So basically planning to buy a gaming mouse as it comes with 6-8 extra keys that can be clicked. Will UiPath identify those keys if I want to use them in trigger scope as mouse click/hotkey trigger?
Left right and middle are the supported ones…I dont think anything else is supported
Also on click what you want to trigger?
I want to trigger a custom sequence (like a shortcut), using middle click as shortcut already, needed more accessable buttons on fingertips
I dont think you have those trigger options though
Check if those buttons replicate any other combinatiosn then those can be added are triggers
Hi @Munish_Jain ,
The click will send from UiPath, but the problem is click might not work. Because it’s not any kind of application what i feel. This is BPA so try to avoid this things with UiPath. Explore new things.
Pavan Kumar