I cannot find a way to capture hover the second option as UiPath


I have tried using the ‘mouse hover’ element to capture the ‘option 1’ from the screen but I cannot find a way to capture the second option as UiPath only captures the first mouse hover all the time. Is there a way to get round this problem?

Welcome to uipath community
Did we try with SEND HOT KEY activity with key as tab to navigate across the fields
Use n number of hot key activity with key as tab until it reaches the field we want

Once after reaching we can use hot key as enter
Cheers @fairymemay

Instead of click activity we can use SEND HOT KEY activity with which don’t select any element as we do in click activity
Directly mention the hot keys like tab
When.m n number of same send hot key activity with key as tab of used it will navigate across each field one by one like how we navigate across fields using keyboard without using mouse
Once after reaching the field we will be usually leasing enter key right same once after reaching the field use send hot key activity with key as enter

Cheers @fairymemay

In that key option choose tab
Cheers @fairymemay

Do you mean like you weren’t able to navigate using keyboard keys

Use five send HotKey activity with key as tab
Kindly don’t select any element just the hot key alone
Once after using five HotKey use a final hot key activity with key as enter

Cheers @fairymemay

thank you.
Now I can do it. ^^