Does retry scope slow down the process?

I have a process which loops through data table and robot performs activities in chrome for every row. I have many retry scopes in those activities because chrome sometimes works very slowly. Does retry scope slow down the process? Because after every loop the robot is getting slower and slower and if so can I do anything to prevent it?

@Milou1 Welcome to UiPath Community

In UiPath, the Retry Scope activity is designed to handle exceptions and retries in an automated workflow. While the Retry Scope itself does introduce some additional processing, it is primarily intended to improve the efficiency and reliability of the automation process rather than slow it down.


@Milou1 Somehow Yes.
The Retry Scope activity in UiPath is designed to handle retries for activities within its scope in case of failures or errors. While using Retry Scope can help handle intermittent issues, it can potentially introduce some additional delay in the execution of your process.

When Retry Scope encounters a failure, it waits for a specified interval (RetryInterval property) before retrying the activities. This waiting period can add up if you have multiple Retry Scopes within your loop, leading to increased execution time.

To mitigate the slowdown issue, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Adjust RetryScope properties: Review the properties of the Retry Scope activity and adjust them according to your requirements. The RetryInterval property determines the duration of the waiting period between retries. You can try reducing the RetryInterval to minimize the delay. However, be cautious not to set it too low, as it might increase the chances of encountering errors due to insufficient wait time.
  2. Optimize your automation: Look for opportunities to optimize your automation workflow. Identify areas where you can reduce unnecessary activities or streamline the process flow. This can help improve the overall performance and minimize the need for excessive retries.
  3. Check for underlying issues: Slowness in Chrome could be caused by various factors, such as the size of the webpage, network connectivity, or the complexity of the automation steps. Ensure that your automation is optimized, and consider investigating the root causes of the slowness to address them directly, rather than relying solely on Retry Scopes.
  4. Consider alternative approaches: Depending on your specific use case, you might explore alternative strategies to handle slowness in Chrome. For example, you could consider using different browser activities, adjusting browser settings or configurations, or implementing custom logic to wait for specific conditions before proceeding.
  5. Monitor system resources: Check if there are any system resource issues, such as high CPU or memory usage, that could be contributing to the slowdown. Monitor your system performance during the execution of the process and investigate any potential bottlenecks.
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Thank you for your answer!

Thank you very much for your answer! I will try those suggestions.

@Milou1 Yes Try these suggestions hopefully these will bring impact on your process efficiency

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Retry Scope is not the correct way to handle Chrome running slowly. You need to adjust the timeouts on your activities as well as the WaitForReady properties.

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