Improve a process' speed

Hi guys ! I’m a new user of UI Path (and I’m french so sorry for my english! ^^)
I’d like to know if it is any way to reduce the duration of a process by increasing the speed of the activities ?

Thank you very much !

Bonjour @Camille361 !
Bienvenue à toi sur la communauté UiPath :smile: Contente de voir qu’il y a de plus en plus de filles RPA dev en France. Je continue en anglais pour que ça soit accessible à tous :wink:

It depends on the issue you have:

  • If you’re dealing with an operation on excel file that has a lot of rows, you can replace a foreach row by a linq statement, but then you need to explain us what is your issue so we think of a linq formula
  • If you’re using the “Debug” mode, then use the “Run” mode
  • For the other cases it will depend on the way you automate it and the applications that your bot uses. What is your situation ? Would you mind sharing your workflow (xaml file) to optimize together your job ?
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A performance tuning can be done additional on:

  • set Timouts (e.g. find element, element exits) in predictable scenanrios to a shorter interval instead of default 30 sec. Often the WaitFoReady level can also set to None
  • Synchronize your Bot properly on the applications / browser instead of using delays. For this have a look on retry scope or implement your own custom retry scope flow
  • dataprocessing as @Hiba_B mentioned and to add: do not work on unneeded datavolumes in case of it can be reduced e.g. by filtering / preprocessing

About the timeout check also take a note of our RulesLibrary:

  • ST-PRR-REPLY001 - TimeOutNotSetRule can be used for checking this

@ppr @Hiba_B Thank you very much for your help ! :smiley: I actually found something else to make my process faster.
In fact my process was just a sequence of clicks et types on a website so it already was not that long but I wanted to make it even more faster ! :wink: And this morning I found an option “SimulateClick” and “SimulateType” that makes it much more faster.
Thank you once again !

@Hiba_B Ravie de rejoindre la communauté ! :wink: A bientôt peut être pour mes futures questions ! :sweat_smile:

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