Document Understanding MLPackage/Skill not Deploying

Anyone know why I would be able to deploy a cms1500 ML Package and skill successfully, but not be able to deploy a Document Understanding ML Package and skill?

The one I create using the cms1500 package is available within minutes.

The one I create using the DU package sits in the deploying states for hours, without an error. I’ve check all the logs I know about and not seeing anything specific as to why its not deploying.

These are being configured in the same tenant where another DU project is deployed.

Hi @macaskillh ,

Have you labelled document samples and trained the Document Understanding Model ? If not, that is the reason it would fail.

On the other hand, the CMS 1500 ML Package is already pre-trained to recognise the form fields. So we can deploy it directly and use it or we could also retrain with our custom documents and train the model and deploy.

Hi @macaskillh I was facing issue but once you deployed ml package then run the pipeline and if pipeline successfully run then create ml skill, then within minutes it will be in available mode and package will be in deployed mode.

try to train the documents in document manager then run the pipeline this will resolve your issue