Dispatcher workflow using Reframework

Hi all,

I am working on a big process and I never created dispatcher separately.
I know how to add data in queue when it’s in same reframework where my process is written.

But my question is below

My data is excel which I will take from SharePoint -i know this

Then how to add data to orchestrator queue when it’s a dispatcher separately build.
In which state ?
What changes I will have to make to framework.



Make your own dispatcher template :slight_smile:

See this thread for some inspiration and a dispatcher you can play around with:
Design Dispatcher using REFramework - Help / Studio - UiPath Community Forum

You can follow the below steps:

1.Create the Dispatcher Workflow:

Create a new sequence or workflow in UiPath for the dispatcher.
Add activities to read data from your Excel file. Since you mentioned that you will be getting the data from SharePoint, you may use activities such as Read Range or Read Cell from the UiPath.Excel.Activities package or use UiPath’s SharePoint activities to fetch the Excel file.
Add Data to the Queue:

2.Use the Add Queue Item activity to add items to the Orchestrator queue.
In the Add Queue Item activity:
QueueName: Specify the name of the queue where you want to add the items.
ItemInformation: Provide the necessary data that you want to queue. This is usually a dictionary containing the data for each item. You can use New Dictionary(Of String, Object) to create this dictionary.
Update/Reconfigure the REFramework:

3.Dispatcher State: In the REFramework, the dispatcher is typically responsible for the Init and Get Transaction Data states.
Init State: Initialize any necessary assets or configurations needed for the dispatcher.
Get Transaction Data State: Instead of fetching transactions from a queue, this state will handle reading data from Excel and using the Add Queue Item activity to add each piece of data to the queue.
Execution and Testing:

4…Run your dispatcher workflow to ensure it adds the data correctly to the queue.
Monitor the Orchestrator queue to verify that items are being added as expected.

Hie @Shruthika_r you have to do some modification in REFramework to work with excel …
like change the Transaction - datatype from Queueitem - to Datarow … for further i"m sending you the link hope this will resolve your Query … to work with datarow…

Cheers Happy Automation.

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