Dev Dives: Automate in full power with the latest Generative AI features in UiPath

Hi Developers and Automation Enthusiasts,

I’m pleased to invite you to join our next Dev Dives webinar, in which my colleague Guy Van Wert and I will be presenting the latest Generative AI features in UiPath.

Gen AI opens a world of possibilities, allowing you to translate artificial intelligence smarts into real-world automation solutions with speed and ease. This hands-on event is your key to building faster and smarter automations using the latest Gen AI features within UiPath Studio…and not just that.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect:

  • Generate effortless workflows with AI: Discover how to harness the power of Gen AI in Studio Web to seamlessly create automated workflows.
  • Enhance your workflows: Find out how you can make your workflows more efficient and powerful with expressions and more.
  • Dive into the Integration Service: Get hands-on experience in creating custom connectors using UiPath Integration Service. Learn the art of building your own connectors and how to publish and consume them in Studio Web.

Book your spot today:

See you soon,
Alex & Guy