Desktop has been disconnected while performing UI actions using Orchestrator

Dear all,

i’ve encountered the following issue.

UiPath.Core.ElementOperationException Desktop has been disconnected while performing UI actions. UiPath.Core.Activities

I use Orchestrator to connect to RDP to run the process, however it always shows the same error. I’ve tried the solutions suggested in the forum already this includes:

  1. Add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client -RemoteDesktop_SupressWhenMinimized and set it’s value to 2
  2. Change loginToConsole value to false in the UiPath.Settings file
  3. Change screen resolution

However, none of the above mentioned method helps. Could anyone help me out here?

Thanks a lot

Which version are you running?

Orchestrator 2016.2.6393, Studio 2018.4.4

I don’t think that is compatible.
