Data Services vs Storage Buckets

I would like you to help me with the difference between Storage Buckets and Data Services

-when we should use Storage Buckets vs Data Service
-pros & cons for Storage Buckets vs Data Service

Thank you

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Check this post:

Best Regards


Hi @viorel.balaj

I don’t think performance should be much difference between Storage Buckets and Data Service, and should not be the primary reason to choose one over other.

The main choice should be based on what are your use cases.

  • Think about Storage Buckets as a file share equivalent and Data Service as database equivalent.
  • Storage Buckets allow you to upload/download files, Data Service allows you design you entity (table) to store records and support file fields (columns) as well.
  • Both of them have activities allowing to upload/download data as needed from your processes.
  • Storage Buckets are available on-premises as well whereas Data Service is cloud only.
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