What is the use of Data Service


What is the use of Dataservices and what is the difference between the queues, Data services, object repository and assets.

Can i have a sample code for Data services


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Hi @Sai.Srinivas

UiPath Data Service provides a business yet user-friendly service where you can securely store and manage your business data within UiPath

Something like reporting or excel we could say within the UiPath

Whereas queue is a container that enables you to hold an unlimited number of items. Queue items can store multiple types of data, such as invoice information or customer details

Assets in UiPath are credentials or variables that are shared across bots in different automation projects and are stored in Orchestrator

The Object Repository ensures the management, reusability, and reliability of UI elements by capturing them as objects in a DOM-like repository, sharable across projects. It allows for creating and reusing UI taxonomies inside and across automation projects. With Object Repository you can build a UI API for your application and share it with your team within minutes.

The key features of the Object Repository are:

  • UI elements across the project are managed, updated, and modified from a centralized place.

Example of data services

Hope this helps

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Data Service = is use to persiste data working like database

Queue = is use to store data that will be process by a robot

Object repository = is use to store ui element and use them across projects without mapped again and again

Assets = assets work like variable. You can define them in orchestration and access it in robot. Changing asset value in orchestration make robot get this new value in new execution

Hi @rikulsilva

Can u Provide basis code regarding the data service how to store



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