Data Scrapping from yelp is not working

Hello everyone,

I’m using uipath studio community edition and facing an issue on data scrapping from yelp, sometimes this activity is working perfect but most of the times Extract Structured Data return empty datatable.

Is it due to uipath studio community edition version?
Can anyone help me to figure out the problem and its solution?


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Could you please check the selector once.


Main.xaml (22.8 KB)

I double check the selector but no success…


Is it possible to access that site from my end ?


I shared the xaml file of my test project please have a look on that flow.

I want to scrap the comment of this page “


Yes I am checking it. You used Firefox browser in the workflow.

Unfortunately I don’t have firefox and so I opened it with IE and Microsoft Edge browser but it is not getting loaded and it is showing like this:


hmmm, Let me check this on my side.


I used IE to run this workflow and this is the output.


in IE it is throwing exceprtion but in firefox the workflow executed successfully without any exception.
Can you please try it in firefox?


Sorry. In office system, I can’t install firefox and once I reached home will check it.

Ok @lakshman,

Thanks for your help.


I will be waiting for your reply, thanks again.


Sorry bro. In that site, What data are you trying to scrape the data ?

Buddy here is your workflow, its resolved

Datascrapping.xaml (12.9 KB)

Hope this would help you


Did that work buddy…



Comments from that page.


Thanks for your help.

Can you please highlight the issue?

Buddy @shahidislam89
Its all the field that we choose while we extract data with that extract data wizard buddy,
Its not about the community version issue buddy or it can be due to fields not getting appeared or it takes more time to load a page, mean while if a extraction is done we wont get the data buddy, so make sure the page gets loaded before extracting, for that we can use on element appear or delay to wait untill page gets loaded or to be even better we have a property called WaitForReady which we can set as COMPLETE, that would wait untill all the fields in the page gets loaded

is that working buddy…!


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Yes It is working.


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That’s amazing buddy @shahidislam89 , kindly close this thread with comment marked solution that could help others looking for ideas under your topic

Cheers buddy

Keep going