so this website it will show like upload image
in that process we have to search any 4 country name and click to search
after this we have to scrape data of all 4 country and write to 4 excel file
this data we have to scrape is
so this website it will show like upload image
in that process we have to search any 4 country name and click to search
after this we have to scrape data of all 4 country and write to 4 excel file
this data we have to scrape is
how to search any 4 country name
For that get the list using get attribute and then from
The list of values you can choose how many ever you need using select item if that works
Hello @purnima_mandan
Refer to this Xaml file, You may get some idea (937.8 KB)
Hello @purnima_mandan
Do you want to select all the required countries once and search or one by one?
For the first scenario you can use “Select Multiple Items” activity and for the second scenarios you can create a STring array with the required country names. Then use a for each loop to loop through the array.
Inside the array, use “Select Item” activity, and provide the values as “row”.
Then use click activity to click on search.