Data extraction in the menu is not available

Hi All,

I would like to extract multiple table data from webpage, for this i want table extraction i need. but i dont see after enableing modern activities. plesae suggest.

Thanks & REgards,

@ppr i dont see table extraction option

Ensure that UiPath.UiAutomation.Activities is referenced for the dependencies or add it with the Manage Packages

For extracting tabular data:

on classic design: Data Scrapping

on modern / next: Table.Extraction

@ppr i do not have Table.extraction option on after enabled new modern and installing UiPath.UiAutomation.Activities.

In Addition to above:

Back stage option:
Is connfiguring for new projects

Switching a project to classic / modern we do it on the project settings:


@ppr Thank you last steps works for me.

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