CV Scope Factory Error


I am unable to create an instance of CV Scope Factory when creating a new Project.

The error message says -

Cannot create an instance of “CVScopeFactory”.

“The type initializer for ‘UiPath.CV.Activities.Design.Services.DefaultSettingsService’ threw an exception.”



Try to install 19.8.0-ce version Uipath.UIAutomation.Activities(check the box “Include Prerelease” in Manage Packages).

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The solution posted by @makssmz works. I already try it. I didn’t think to install 19.8 version (with 19.7 doesn’t work).
Another solution that works for me: uninstall UiAutomation packet and it will work.


Thank you for the advice.
Actually I uninstalled UIpath.UIAutomation.Activities and it worked.
I’m not sure why that is because it is a prerequisite for Uipath.AI.ComputerVision.Activities.

But now the CVScreenScope drag / drop works.

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Can you please mark the solution and close the “case”?
Thanks man.

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