Custom tabs in Orchestrator

Hi All,

It would be great to have an option to add custom orchestrator tabs (on tenant level) with links to other applications (left-hand side menu)

If one had an RPA-specific page like a dedicated confluence space or Jira project - one would be able to link that to Orchestrator for better user experience

How would it work:
A sub-menu either on main menu or somewhere in the options;
Two fields - “tab name” and “URL”;
Save option … done :slight_smile:

Additional info:
the tabs could even be available for everyone without any access control as user authentication and authorization happens separately on webapp level (in my example either Jira or Confluence)

The only permissions that are really needed would be who can “CRUD” all the custom tabs (alltogether)

Please upvote that idea if you would find that feature useful :slight_smile:

Best regards,